Wednesday, May 18, 2011

iPod followup

So as you know from my other posts my iPod has been broken for some time now...Its aggrivating especially since i love music.

Today my iPod miraculously decided to start working for some reason probably because I've left it alone without headphones in for about a week. However now that they work they are super sensitive. If i even touch the headphone jack or apply any kind of tension on the wire my sound goes almost completely. This is extremely inconvenient because listening to music while my iPod is in my pocket is now impossible to do. Instead i have to just leave my iPod on my desk and listen to it there which is almost no different from just listening to music from my iPod. For now I'm just going to leave my iPod alone without the headphones in and hope that it fixes its self somehow.


  1. that's strange, maybe it's your headphones that aren't working?

  2. It was not a magic, just something hung up for a while. Your lucky that's was not a battery's case.

  3. your wire inside the headphones is broken, you're going to need new ones.

  4. Wow that is a massive 'total time' on your ipod. mine doesn't even come close!

  5. @pokemonalldayerrday
    Yeah they work completely fine on my computer and on my record player but it just wont work on my ipod
    Yeah i have A LOT of music i have one song thats 55 minutes long but the second longest song is about 7 minutes so its not like all of my songs are an hour long

  6. That's odd, hope it fixes.

  7. I lost my ipod :( I have a Blackberry now though

  8. good luck man! i have an iPod nano 6g is perfect!
